Isaac and Phaedra Bonewits are sad to announce that Real Magic School is now closed. It was a wonderful experiment but it turned out to be too much for our time commitments to handle. We have arranged with the Grey School of Wizardry to take transfer students from RMS. It is likely that Witch School International will also take transfer students. We highly recommend both schools.
We apologize to everyone, but especially our lifetime members, that the life time of Real Magic School was so short. In the meantime, if you have subscriptions to Real Magic School via PayPal, please cancel them immediately.
It just turned out that there were not enough hours in the day to do what we needed to do, to do justice to the school.
We should make it clear that the wonderful folks at Witch School International covered all the direct expenses of running Real Magic School. We simply couldn’t afford to spend time writing new lessons when the income from the school did not match our (or WSI’s) needs.