Pagan Man Shipment Update

I finally received a box of The Pagan Man about an hour ago and have packed up about 80% of the orders I now have on hand. These will go out by Priority Mail first thing tomorrow (Tuesday) morning.

Since I still have about ten unfilled orders on hand, I had to prioritize on a basis of who ordered their copies first. I’m ordering another box of books first thing in the morning and will ship those out as soon as I receive them.

If you still want to order a copy and get it before Xmas, I strongly suggest using or and paying for overnight shipping.

About Isaac Bonewits

World famous (or is that notorious) Druid/Wiccan/Heathen/Santarian author, speaker, pundit, etc. Google me to see what I've been doing with my life and what my friends and enemies think about me.
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4 Responses to Pagan Man Shipment Update

  1. igsaisb says:

    Question: You mention in the book that you are having a statue of The Dagda made. Will copies be available for purchase? I have an affinity for the Good God, but sadly cannot find a decent represenation of Him.

    Merlin of Amulets by Merlin is working on it for me. Drop him an electron and let him know you are interested!

  2. Chirael says:

    Isaac, that’s great! I know one of my grove members is psyched about the book (especially since he seems to think there’s a tiny chance he might be quoted in it :), and I think it’s a long-overdue and very needed book too. Nice job!

  3. Ellteejak says:

    Read up to page 66 so far. Very very well done book (recieved as a gift). As a relative newbee to pagan ideas in the last three years (after 40 years of vague christian influence), I am finding much great information. I really did not know what path I should take for study (and still don’t), but I am finding that your book gives me great references to further thought.

    Just found and bought an ELDER EDDAS in song CD on Amazon, because your book made me aware that even existed.

    BUT—you forgot to put yourself in the FOUNDING FATHERS section.

    That would have been a little egotistical, even for me!

    Maybe I can get my book signed by you at a festival we both might attend?

    I’m always happy to autograph books.

  4. igsaisb says:

    I was thinking there was one thing missing: a prayer/devotional/very short ritual for beginning a workout.

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