What is Neopaganism?

One of the projects left unfinished when Isaac passed away was a book on Neopaganism. He and I had discussed my finishing it for him, and after talking to the publisher, I’m ready to go ahead with it.

As I look over the material he and I accumulated, it’s clear we both knew/know a lot about the history of Neopaganism. However, I’m beginning to wonder if old-timers like us really grok what that word means to people today.

Being of a modern turn of mind for all my grey hairs, I suspect crowdsourcing the answer is the way to go. (In the olden days, we called it “research.”) So I’m asking you, my readers, friends and fans, are you interested in giving me your perspective? With permission, I might quote you in the book.

Tell me in brief, say, give or take 100 words, what Neopaganism means to you. What is important for other people to know about *your* Neopaganism? What do you want people to understand about that word?

You can leave a comment here, or e-mail me at phaedrahps @ aol.com (it’s not a link; copy, paste and take out the spaces). If you e-mail, put “Neopagan Book” somewhere in your subject line. If you’re really pithy, tweet me.

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Ask what you can do for your Community

As I was riding home in the car this afternoon, I heard the piece on NPR about today being the fiftieth anniversary of the inauguration of John F. Kennedy. What makes this anniversary special is not so much what happened that day, but what was said.

This was the speech when Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

I felt almost teary as I heard his voice on the radio, much as I had first heard it. We were inspired and galvanized by that statement. I was just a little girl, only nine years old, but I knew something important was going on. There was a war, but there was also the Peace Corps. People put their lives on hold to help other people. It was important to care.

And it wasn’t just government-sponsored programs. Four college students cared enough about injustice to stage the first sustained sit-in at a lunch counter in Greensboro, NC. Second-wave feminists shook the boundaries of the personal and the political. Thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, then millions of people cried out for peace in Southeast Asia. (Contrary to legend, we did support the troops; we supported their right to come home in one piece.)

It was during this time of service and caring and commitment to social action that the American Neopagan movement gathered momentum. The Church of All Worlds started in St. Louis in 1962. Ray and Rosemary Buckland brought Gardnerian Wicca to the States in the same years. Carlton College students in Northfield, Minnesota dodged the chapel requirement by inventing the Reformed Druids of North America in 1963.

Is it too much to say that the spirit of service that Kennedy invoked in 1961 profoundly affected the forms that contemporary American Paganism took? I don’t think so. We came from a generation that was challenged to care and to serve. And so, so very many of us have.

On this day, I challenge you to ask yourself, what are you doing for the Pagan community? What acts of service have you offered? So many people have given so much, have you?

RIP, JFK. Here’s to tomorrow, my fellow American Pagans.

Posted in Pagan Stuff, Political/Cultural | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Up to stuff…

Wow, it’s been a busy few days. I’ve been working on some of the technical parts of the site and hadn’t realized how long it’d been since I did a proper blog post.

You may notice some new sidebar content. One of my projects is sprucing up our old CafePress shop. Now you can access it directly through a sidebar widget thingy. (Turn your eyes to the right. On the screen’s right. No, your right. If the screen was looking back at you, it’d been the screen’s left. Oh, dang. It’s there. On the side. Scroll down!) I’m messing with the code on the shop even as we speak. All the product and purchasing stuff is working fine, but one or two spots on the nav bar is going to require Second Cup of Coffee-level coding, so bear with me. I don’t think I’ve messed anything up; must be at CafePress’s end, right?

At any rate, it’s a great way to make some of Isaac’s ideas live on. Why not have the Laws of Magic on your tote bag? Think of what a conversation starter that is! I’ll be prowling around on Isaac’s old computer looking for more graphics that can be used on products, too. Let me know if you have any requests.

I’ve got an Events calendar up now too, so my stalkers friends and fans know where to find me. (If you are not a friend or fan, please refrain from accessing that link.) It’s right under the photograph up top.

Speaking of events, I went to the Greensboro, NC Pagans’ Night Out last night and had a lovely time. They have a great space to use at the Eclectic By Nature shop on State Street, and a nice format with a discussion and then refreshments. You don’t have to worry if you don’t know anyone, just show up! There were more than thirty people there, in a Southern city where people are still coping with the remains of a snow and ice storm. Southern Pagans are a hearty lot. I had a nice long talk with Kenny from the Knights of Herne, a local men’s group that was featured in Isaac’s The Pagan Man.

I’ll be out the door soon for some chainsaw action with the girls as we clear more trees off Claire’s land. Mind you, I don’t do the chainsawing, that’s Renee. Mostly I haul around the remains from the chainsawing. If Claire and I can’t manage something, then she hitches up Albert the Almost-Ox* to haul it away. Last time we were at it, we got 24 trees down. Not big trees, but still …

I’ll post pictures if we get any.

* Turns out Ox is a designation that can only be applied when a working steer reaches a certain age and size, so for another year or two, Albert is still a steer. Claire likes to call him the meat tractor–sums up his role on the farm pretty nicely.

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You guys are great…just sayin’

In my last blog post, I made a passing reference to company that had been hosting this site. I almost didn’t mention it at all, thinking it might sound petty grousing about them in public.

Am I glad I did! Turns out that company had been sold to another, and all the contact info I thought I knew turned out to be wrong. On here and on Facebook, I got tons of helpful information almost immediately. Now I’m in correspondence with the proper people, and it looks like all will be well.

This is what community is all about. You guys are great!

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