The Druid in Me

Ok, this is really hard to say. I am not a Druid. Not me. Not really.

Isaac was the Druid. He was a Druid his entire adult life, and a Famous Druid at that, what with the RDNA and the NRDNA and The HDNA and the SDNA, founding ADF and all that. A veritable alphabet soup of a Druid was my late, beloved husband. Me, I was along for the ride.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I adore the Druids. The ADF people are amazing. I know if a ritual is being done by an ADF grove, it will be amazing, and will be worth attending. (Over my many years of Pagan wanderings, I have attended many sad little rituals. Sometimes they have been very grand but still sad little rituals. I would say, “You know who you are,” but, sadly, you probably don’t.) ADF also values scholarship, with a strong streak of “let’s get this right.” I find that sexy. Maybe that’s why I fell for the founder so hard.

Before I ever met Isaac, I was introduced to his work as a magician through his iconic work, Real Magic. In Chicago back in the day (1980s-90s), we called ourselves Magicians. We were definitely Pagan, but we tended to work with the Greco-Roman, Egyptian, Mesopotamian all-around-the-Mediterranean deities, all in a magico-religious context. The Celtic deities, not so much. I would venture to say, really, not at all. I was a bit put off, in fact, by some of the Celtic-focused folks I met, because they did not seem to have a clear grasp of their Gods. You know those books that were so popular for awhile (maybe they still are): Celtic Wicca, Norse Wicca, Whatever Wicca? They were pretty much the exact same book, but with the names of the Gods changed. That’s kinda how I felt about the Celtic Tradition Witches/Wiccans that I met.

(Before you go crazy on me, I am sure Chicago was crawling with Celtic Reconstructionist scholars plus RNDA, proto-ADF and ADF practitioners in those days. Those weren’t the people I was meeting.)

I think it’s because we were focused on a Pagan expression of the Western Mysteries, or the Western Esoteric Tradition, or however you like to describe the current. Everyone (my crowd, not necessarily your crowd) was at least familiar with the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley and Dion Fortune, not to mention Franz Bardon, Francis Barrett and Eliphas Levi. We were in the lineage (intellectual if not initiatory lineage) of classical Western European thought, which included a strong sense of the Classics, Greek and Roman.

Studying the classic myths (Edith Hamilton was required reading in 9th grade English) gave one the idea that stories about the Gods were coherent, that they had a beginning, middle and end. I could tell you stories about the Greek Gods, but the Celtic Gods confused me. There were cattle-rustling stories, there were attributes to the Gods, but not the kind of linear tales to which I was accustomed.

(I came later to understand that Hamilton was not concerned about religion, but with giving summaries of ancient plays and other literary works that draw upon mythology. To use a crude analogy, I shall explain the history and practice of Christianity to you by summarizing Ben-Hur.)

Of course, in my years of being consort to the ArchDruid, I’ve expanded my understanding of Celtic deity, and extended my comfort zone to Deities with attributes rather than dramas. Without a doubt working with Isaac at the end of his life gave me insights into Brigdet as healer. She came to me memorably during a ritual in our living room presided over by ADF’s current ArchDruid and other ADF clergy. She was there. She couldn’t help him as much as we wanted ( I’m sure all the magic done extended his life, but nothing could save it), but She was there for him.

So, though I sought out Isaac because of his work on magic, what I found was not a magician but a priest. His true calling was Priest, a role that elevated and transformed him. Just to see him in a Bardic circle singing his Hymn to Bridget or Hymn to the Morrigan would give me chills. He gave himself to his Goddesses and Gods.

But in all the years we were together, I did not participate in many Druid rituals with him. We were not a formal part of any group. Though we had our private magics and devotions, I was rarely able to travel with him, so I pretty much gave up my own public priesthood. The few times we did Druid ritual together, I would joke that he needed to poke me in the ribs when I was supposed to do something, so I could come up with something appropriate. (I’m a good enough improviser that I doubt many people ever knew I didn’t feel as if I knew what I was doing.)

Now, after Isaac’s passing, I feel a little uncomfortable with the Druid mantle on me. People invite me to do workshops on Druidism, or to lead Druid rituals. I can talk about Isaac and his Druidism, and I can participate in Druid rites, but there are many others out there far, far better qualified than I to lead either. I honor their skills and knowledge.

I went to a Bardic Circle last night in Greensboro, the first Bardic I’ve been to without him. I decided to sing the Hymn to Bridget in phonetic Irish. He always sang it at Bardics. He would sing the Irish verse, then (if I was able to be there) we’d sing the English together, then we’d sing the two languages together for a third verse. I remember his clear, strong voice and the look on his face when he sang. I doubt if I will ever sing it with the strength and confidence he did. I’m not much of a singer. I hope, however, to grow to do so with the devotion he did. I will sing it in his memory and in Her honor. That much of a Druid I can be.

Posted in Druidic/Celtic, Pagan Stuff, Personal Happenings, The Gods | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Bridget, phonetically

My dear friend Bill Seligman has reminded me that he did a phonetic transliteration of the Hymn to Bridget from Irish to English.

As he said, now we can all mispronounce the Irish together!

A Hymn to Bridget
© 1983, 2001 c.e.
words by Isaac Bonewits

    A Bhrid, ár gcroí, an-gheal Bheanríon;
    lo de thoil é beannachta sinn.
    Is sinn bhur leanaí, is tu ár mamaí;
    bí ag isteacht dúinn mar sin.
    Is tu an coire, anois inár doire;
    a Bhean-Feasa tinfím orainn.
    A thine ghrá, a thine bheatha;
    lo de thoil é ag teacht Bhrid dúinn!
    Ah Vreed ar gree, on-yall Vahn-reen;
    low de hoil eh ban-ach-ta sheen.
    Iss sheen vur lah-nee, iss too ar mam-way;
    bee ogg ish-tacht dween mar shin.
    Iss too an keer-eh, ah-neesh ee-nar deer-eh;
    ah Vahn-Feysa tin-feem ah-reen.
    Ah hin-eh grah, ah hin-eh vya;
    low de hoil eh ogg tacht Vreed dween!

Transliteration by Bill Seligman; derived from the Gaelic pronunciation guide at http: // and listening to Isaac’s performance in “Be Pagan Once Again.” Note that the “ch” is always pronounced as in “Bach” or “chutzpah.”

Thanks so much, Bill.

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Bridget, Come to Us

Beth Owl’s Daughter tipped me off to something I surely should have known about, or that Isaac surely should have known about, because he would have loved, loved, loved it.

For the past six years, there’s been an informal poetry slam dedicated to Bridget on Internet blogs. It’s even got its own Facebook page. The idea is that in honor of Bridget, whose feast is today, you should post a poem to her on your blog.

It’s been a long time since I’ve written any poems, and never specifically to Her, but Bridget was Isaac’s special matron Goddess. He was devoted to her to the end. He loved doing bardic circles in honor of her at this time of the year, and always sang his Hymn to Bridget. He used to sing the Irish verse, then we’d both sing the English, then we would sing a third verse, he in Irish and I in English. It was so beautiful, one of my favorite memories.

Well, I don’t know if I’ll ever master the Irish (though others have) but I will sing the English again for Her, and for him.

If you’d like to hear the tune, it’s on his Be Pagan Once Again tape and CD (rare critters to find these days). ADF sang it at his memorial service, too . I think it is a fitting gift for Bridgid today.

A Hymn to Bridget
© 1983, 2001 c.e.
words by Isaac Bonewits

    A Bhrid, ár gcroí, an-gheal Bheanríon;
    lo de thoil é beannachta sinn.
    Is sinn bhur leanaí, is tu ár mamaí;
    bí ag isteacht dúinn mar sin.
    Is tu an coire, anois inár doire;
    a Bhean-Feasa tinfím orainn.
    A thine ghrá, a thine bheatha;
    lo de thoil é ag teacht Bhrid dúinn!
    O Bridget, our heart, o brightest Queen;
    cast your blessings unto us.
    We are your children, you are our mother;
    so hearken unto us.
    You are the cauldron, now in our grove;
    Wise Woman inspire us.
    O fire of love, o fire of life;
    please Bridget, come to us!

Blessed Imbolc to you all!

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One for the Books

I got a new library card the day before yesterday. This one is for the Chatham County Libraries. I can add it to my collection of North Carolina library cards: one each for Guilford County, Forsyth County, Wake County and Durham County. I also have cards from Jackson County, Oregon, from when I lived in Ashland, from Putnam County, Illinois, from when I lived in Granville, and the granddaddy of them all, my card from the Chicago Public Library.

It’s like a little history of where I’ve lived, all those little cards in the drawer. The only ones missing are from Pensacola, Florida (I know I had one; maybe it will turn up) and from Winthrop, Massachusetts. Winthrop, just outside of Boston where I only lived a few months, may be the only place I ever lived where I didn’t get a library card.

Libraries have always been important to me. I have loved books for as long as I can remember. We read books, but I don’t remember being a household that bought all that many books. Books were expensive. We went to the library a lot. For a time, when I was quite small, a bookmobile would stop on our street. Book delivery! I thought it was wonderful. Our elementary school classrooms each had its own little library, two shelves of age-appropriate books, mostly lives of the saints. I’d read them all. Dad would drive us to the big library on Kedzie Avenue, and we’d return with armloads of books. When I was older, we could walk the mile and a half to the smaller branch across from the high school.

In those days–I don’t know if they still do it–children’s library cards had restrictions on them. We could only check out books from certain sections. I remember a parent would have to come with me if I wanted to get a book from the Adult section, to assure the librarian that I had their permission to it check out. Oh, the power, oh, the excitement I felt to go into the stacks of the adult section! The books were harder, but there were more of them, and I never knew what treasures I might find.

I’ve always relied on books. They have been my entertainment and my comfort. Whenever I’ve been ill or depressed, I have reached for books, armloads and armloads of them. Mystery stories are especially good when I’m down. I think it is the idea that complex problems can be solved, the wrongdoers can be brought to their just rewards, that brings me comfort. Isaac used to reach for The Lord of the Rings when he was ill. He read it again during his last illness; we were reading The Hobbit aloud to him at the end, until he was too ill even to concentrate on that. I left it unfinished; I think I will have to finish it soon for myself.

I’m even writing this in a library. The Pittsboro branch has a new building, not even completely finished yet, on the campus of the Central Carolina Community College. It’s beautiful, with a soaring ceiling, walls of windows, a huge computer lab, and lots of cozy seating. There are power outlets built into most of the tables, so I can perch with my laptop, use the wireless, and enjoy the peace and power of being surrounded by books.

The day before yesterday, I checked out three books. I’ll return two today; the only reason I haven’t finished the third is that I am insisting to myself that I do some writing as well as reading. But I will check out a couple of more today, too. That half-a-book left won’t last me long.

When I hear of so many libraries being forced to close for budget reasons, it chills me. Books are our treasures, our gifts to each other and to those who come after us. Few children will curl up under the blankets with an e-reader. Fewer still could afford one. But a book! A library book! One that’s gone from hand to hand, one that a parent passes to a child, or a friend to a friend, one among thousands I could not hope to own but can get, anytime from the library, to lose our libraries would be a sad, sad loss for us all.

Now, as I push myself to write, I remember myself as a little girl. That little girl reading books could not imagine a better thing to be than someone who wrote books. Now I know how very hard that is to do, and how even harder it is to do well. But I still cannot imagine a better thing to be. I hope the libraries will still be around to hold my books.

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