Earth Hour Tonight!

Don’t forget about Earth Hour tonight:

Earth Hour ( is a global initiative of WWF in which millions of people around the world will cast a vote in favor of action on climate change by turning off their lights for one hour on March 28, 2009 at 8:30 pm local time. By voting with their light switches, Earth Hour participants will send a powerful, visual message to their leaders demanding immediate action on climate change.

(Stolen from the front page of The Daily Kos.

Phae and I will both be out working tonight from 8:30-9:30 pm, and we always turn the lights out when we leave the house anyway, but tonight our little bit will add to the rest.

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Lowering Prices for the Bush Depression

We know how hard the economy is for everyone, not just in the Neopagan movement, but the whole world. Twenty-eight years of lowering taxes for the obscenely wealthy, eliminating regulations on the financial industry that were put in after the greedheads caused the first Great Depression, and pouring tax money down the endless rathole of the military-industrial complex, have led us to the mess we are in today. Eight years of national leadership by incompetent morons and chickenhawk sociopaths, all cheerleaded by the traditional mass media, wasted trillions of dollars we could have used to fix the mess, not to mention fixing our bridges, highways, and educational system.

Now, we’re stuck trying to clean up the damage. I have faith that Mr. Obama will give it a good effort, even if he isn’t as progressive and bold as I think he should be, but he can’t do it all by himself. Everyone has to work harder, plant victory gardens, and lower prices for our brothers and sisters when we can.

As the economy has sunk into the Bush Depression, we have seen the size, number, and budgets of Neopagan festivals and stores dwindling away. Our income from speaking gigs has almost completely dried up and other Neopagan speakers and authors are reporting the same. Therefore we have decided to lower our speaking fees to their 2006 level! We can’t tell other speakers what to do, but this is our idea to make it easier for festivals and stores to hire us. Who knows? Maybe it will catch on.

If you visit our other sites, Hudson Valley Civil Ceremonies and Unusual Ceremonies, you will see (if you’ve been there before) that we’ve lowered our fees for weddings as well. These steps are pretty much all we can do to help our fans and friends in the Neopagan movement, since we can’t lower the costs of plane tickets or caterers (or our books).

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Mob Rule in California on “The Root”: About Proposition 8

My response.

For safekeeping, I stored my response, complete with added hyperlinks, on my blog today.

Well I feel better now!

(Kudos to the original author of the “The Forces of Good™ vs. The Forces of Evil™,” by the way. Are you responsible for that one, Isaac?)

Posted in Current Events, Political/Cultural, Polyamory | 2 Comments

Coming 3/12: Ascending Way Interview

On Thursday, March 12, 2009, from 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT, Isaac and Phaedra will be interviewed on the Ascending Way internet radio show. This is a Blog Talk Radio show on various new age topics. Be sure to watch/listen!

Posted in Calendar, Personal Happenings | 3 Comments