Phae and I had a wonderful time at Winterstar this year. Not only did we get to present workshops on healing and liturgy, but also one officially opening our Real Magic School. There was a great deal of interest from the audience, with several participants saying they would sign up as soon as they could.
Ed Hubbard and his techmeister Michael showed us how Phaedra and I could use the site to post new classes, set up quizzes, and manage a staff of teachers (though there’s only us at the moment). While there are still a few glitches to be ironed out, the site is looking pretty good.
So far, nearly 800 people have registered as students — and that’s just in the first two weeks! We think as the word spreads, we may have several thousand by the end of the year.
Right now we have introductory classes in a couple of departments started, one on Spheres of Comprehension (approaches to magic), an Introduction to the Laws of Magic, an Introduction to What is Paganism, and one on Basic Vocabulary people should know. Others on different topics have been written and will be online soon.
After we finish these introductory, non-credit classes, we’ll be doing advanced, for-credit ones. This should keep us busy and out of mischief for a while!