Wicked Winter Chocolate Factory
Renaissance Faire

I’m really looking forward to the Feb 20–22 Wicked Faire at the Marriott of Hanover hotel in Whippany, New Jersey (phone 973-538-8811 ). Think of it as a combination of an adults-only Renn Faire, a sci-fi convention, a goth gathering, a pirate ship, an LRP gamers’ event, steampunk revival, and a Pagan festival — all rolled up into one weird weekend!

Even more entertaining than the attendees are the people who’ll be performing: famed Pagan group The Gypsy Nomads; “Repo: The Genetic Opera,” with its author and star, Terrance Zdunich; goth heart-throb Voltaire; Ego Likeness; The White Elephant Burlesque Society; stage magician Daniel Greenwolf; and more, including yours truly. I’ll be signing books, giving tarot readings, reading some of my poetry, and answering questions from fans.

The theme this year is the “Wicked Winter Chocolate Factory Renaissance Faire,” and costumes and decor will be, well, sweet. If you’d like to talk with the folks organizing and attending it, and maybe arrange rides, or get advice on what to wear (and not wear), or find out in which rooms the many parties will be taking place, join the Ning group that’s been set up for this and other Wicked events at the Wicked Village.

I’ll see you there!

About Isaac Bonewits

World famous (or is that notorious) Druid/Wiccan/Heathen/Santarian author, speaker, pundit, etc. Google me to see what I've been doing with my life and what my friends and enemies think about me.
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