Presentations by Phaedra Bonewits
Workshops Available as of 05/20/05
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[For Phaedra's current presentation offerings, please visit Presentations by Phaedra on her blog, Views from the Cyberhenge]
Copyright © 2005 c.e., Phaedra Bonewits
General Occultism:
Internal Tarot (1-2 hours)
The Golden Dawn said that divination was the lowest form of using
the Tarot. Leaving hierarchy aside, there is more than one way
of dealing a deck. Focus on Tarot as a tool for personal growth,
using exercises and meditation.
Participating in Ritual (1-2 hours)
From the premise that ritual is a participatory activity not
a spectator sport, explore ways to intensify your ritual experience.
Candle Magick (1-2 hours)
Shed a little light on casting spells. Explore techniques for
spellworking with candles suitable for either individual or group
settings. If you desire, bring your own white candle and an intention.
First Steps to Real Magic:
What Are Correspondences and Why Should
I Care? (1 hour - 1 weekend)
Explore the realm of magickal correspondences and learn how to
apply them in ritual and magickal work.
Magickal Energetics (1-2 hours)
When they tell you to ground and center do you ever
wonder what they really mean? Explore the use of your own bodys
energies in ritual and magickal work.
Entranceable You (2-6 hours)
Focused concentration is a cornerstone of magickal work. Learn
techniques for entering trance and other out-of-the-ordinary
states of consciousness.
Joint Presentations with Isaac Bonewits:
Cat Herding for Dummies--Creating Healthy
Pagan Groups (1-2 hours)
Phaedra and Isaac share stories both horrific and humorous about
what does (and more importantly, doesnt) work in creating
and maintaining Neopagan groups, from covens to international
Sex Magic for Seniors (1 hour--or as long
as they can last!)
Rule #1: Dont try to pretend youre still 20! Isaac
and Phaedra discuss how traditional and modern methods of magical
and mystical sex need to be modified to accomodate maturity.
Children over sixteen and under thirty permitted.
Aphrodite and Eros: Returning the Pleasure
Principle to Paganism (1-2 hours, adults only, private space
Between the Womens Anti-Sex
League on one side and the glorifiers of BDSM on another,
much of the Neopagan movement seems to have lost touch with joyous,
playful sexuality. Isaac will discuss how ancient Gnostic dualism
has poisoned Western attitudes about sexuality and sensuality,
driving us always to think in supposedly airtight categories
and act in dualistic extremes, instead of following a pleasure-affirming
and polymorphous pluralism. Phaedra will discuss what the ancient
deities of love and pleasure have to teach us today, and will
lead exercises to restore our connections with one of the forgotten
roots of modern Paganism.
Ritual Skills: Participation (1 hour)
The priest, priestess, or ritual facilitator in your magical
or religious ceremonies cant do everything themselves!
Starting from the premise that ritual is a participatory activity,
not a spectator sport, Phaedra and Isaac will lead an exploration
of the ways you can intensify your ritual experience. Something
for everyone, whether theyve been to five-hundred rituals
or none.
Ritual Skills: Propping up the Magic (1
Are ritual tools, scenery, and costumes
really necessary? Are they sometimes more of a hinderance than
a help? Phaedra and Isaac will teach how to use ceremonial tools
effectively and how to do powerful ritual with or without them.
Ask about our special Unitarian
Universalist Weekend packages:
- A Friday night lecture
- A Saturday workshop
- A Sunday morning church service
(many seasonally appropriate service scripts already prepared),
- A Sunday afternoon continuation
of Saturday's workshop or an additional workshop on a separate
The focus can be on liturgical
techniques, the polytheology of Earth Religions, and/or Aphrodisian
Standard Speaker Bio for
program booklets and promo materials:
[Phaedra Bonewits, Neopagan teacher, writer, and initiate of several traditions of Wicca, Witchcraft and Hermetic Magic, thinks of herself as just another occult generalist who insulates her house with books.
In addition to her scholarly pursuits, Phaedra was a pioneer in public Pagan worship in Chicago where she was a founding member of Panthea Temple, was an active public Pagan in North Carolina, and served as national vice president of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS). She been a presenter on the topics of magic, Tarot, and ritual at events throughout the US, has published many articles, and was a contributor to Llewellyn's 2010 Witches' Companion. Phaedra spent most of the '00s in New York Druid-wrangling her late husband, Isaac Bonewits, with whom she co-authored Real Energy: Systems, Spirits, And Substances to Heal, Change, And Grow (New Page, 2007).]
[To obtain Phaedras
services, visit her Fees and Arrangements
page.] |
Copyright © 2005, 2011 c.e., Phaedra
Heyman Bonewits.
This text file may be freely distributed on the Net,
provided that no editing is done and everything in this notice
box is included. Phaedra can be emailed at |
Isaac & Phae say:
We use PayPal and we recommend it!
(P. E.) Isaac Bonewits, Adr.Em./ADF (1949-2010)
and Phaedra Bonewits
Email: [phaedra at neopagan dot net].
Snailmail: PO Box 603, Pittsboro NC 27312
© 2005 c.e., Isaac Bonewits;
additional material © 2011 Phaedra Bonewits
Isaac's last update: May 20, 2005 c.e.
Updated by Phaedra Bonewits May 20, 2011, as indicated by [brackets].
This pages URL is
Our Homepage URL is [An archived site]
Phaedra's Blog is Views from the Cyberhenge,
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