The evolution of

(Moved from comments) It looks like Noira has made a good start on the revamp of our website! What do our other readers think?

I’ll check with our service provider (Pagan owned and Pagan run, but we use only a fraction of the stream capacity we could. I like the idea of incorporating a YouTube channel. Perhaps we could combine this with a one-to-one chat program we can use for lectures and readings?

We’re thinking of changing the title of the site to “Isaac and Phaedra Bonewits’s Cyberhenge” or maybe just “The Cyberhenge.”

Thanks so much for starting this project, Noira!

Other folks, what would you like to see at

About Isaac Bonewits

World famous (or is that notorious) Druid/Wiccan/Heathen/Santarian author, speaker, pundit, etc. Google me to see what I've been doing with my life and what my friends and enemies think about me.
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