Moving Update

Well, friends, we’re about 95% done with the move. Another day will clear out the old house (though we have to go back in a couple of days to empty the garage), and then we’ll have the fun of unpacking everything! Although the new digs are cozy (and much cheaper) than our old place, we are definitely learning the meaning of “twenty pounds of stuff in a ten pound bag.” We have both sworn oaths on a stack of Eddas that we will go through a box or a bag a week of papers and clothes and old electronic equipment (anyone want old Mac stuff?) every week, until we have reduced our possessions to those we really want or need.

The move will save us money in the long run, but it has been horribly expensive in terms of U-Haul rental and mileage fees, meals eaten out because the kitchen is in chaos, buying boxes (stores don’t have them like they used to), etc. But it’s still less than the professional movers wanted ($1,000+) to move all our stuff. As it is, we’re going to be late with the rent in our new place—the one we’re moving to so we won’t always be late with the rent!

Not to mention all the cuts and bruises I’ve incurred trying to lift things I shouldn’t because there was no one else available—my body looks like one of those folks who ask people to beat them up… Phae and Arthur have helped all they can, but neither is particularly strong. Fortunately, our friend Bill came over and spent an afternoon packing books, and Vann came over and helped me to load the sofa in the U-Haul cargo van.

Phae will be posting details of our “Adventures in Moving” (as U-Haul likes to call them) in a day or two. Right now she’s too exhausted to do anything but crash, and I’m the same. So that’s it for tonight.

About Isaac Bonewits

World famous (or is that notorious) Druid/Wiccan/Heathen/Santarian author, speaker, pundit, etc. Google me to see what I've been doing with my life and what my friends and enemies think about me.
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