Audio & Video Tapes
by Isaac Bonewits and Friends
Copyright © 1999, 2005 c.e., Isaac Bonewits
All of these tapes are available
from ACE: The Association
for Consciousness Exploration, at 1643 Lee, Room 9, Cleveland,
OH, USA 44118. Their voice phone is 1-800-446-4962. Phone or
email Jeff Rosenbaum
to order. The current retail price for each tape is $10.00, plus
$1.00 postage and handling per item, plus 7% sales tax for Ohio
residents. Wholesale pricing is available. Many of these will
be available in CD format later in 2003. |
Audio Lecture Tapes by Isaac Bonewits
A Magician Prepares
Isaac teaches the art of preparation for Magickal
Work with discussions of personal purification, targeting of
Magical ritual, consecration of sacred space, and other topics
for personal and group ceremony. An excellent resource for those
engaged in any form of ritual.
Programming Magical Ritual: Top-Down Liturgical Design
Isaac applies the logic of computer programming
to the design of Magical and religious rituals of all sorts.
Beginning with targeting and selection of goals, listeners are
guided through the design, composition and performance of effective
The Structure of Craft Ritual
This workshop provides a first-rate introduction
to the working of traditional Wiccan ceremony. The circle casting
is reviewed in detail, including descriptions of required visualizations,
energy work, techniques of invocation and practical power raising.
Druidism: Ancient & Modern (a.k.a. “Druidism
The original Druids were the artists, historians,
judges, polytheologians, engineers, musicians, diviners, magicians
and poets of the Indo-European peoples. Isaac covers the history,
prehistory and social structure of the Indo-European clergy,
the duties of their clergy, and the genocide campaigns against
the ancient Druids. He also discusses Druidic revivals during
the last few centuries, and gives us a humorous look at the origins
of A.D.F.
Rituals That Work
Sincerity is no substitute for competence
in any craft, and the nuts-and-bolts side of Magic is no exception.
Isaac leads a discussion of methods for constructing effective
ritual based on over 35 years of research and personal experience
in different forms of Magic.
How Does Magic Work?
Most people think of Magic as a way of accomplishing
your goals through “supernatural”
means, a way that defies the laws of science.
As our understanding increases, these laws will include Magical
phenomena. Isaac emphasizes the nature and laws of Magic, the
use of altered states of consciousness, and the difference between
one’s target and one’s goal in working Magic.
Sexual Magic & Magical Sex
With Deborah Lipp. A discussion of traditional
and modern techniques for using sexual power and ecstacy for
Magical goals, with material from Tantra, Thelemic Sex Magic,
and other world systems. Includes ways to use Magical training
and techniques to enhance personal sexual experience.
Making Fun of Religion
With Deborah Lipp. Isaac and Deborah share
decades of divine comedy to showcase the ways play and creativity
have influenced the Neo-Pagan Movement, including the
“cults” of the
Java-Crucians (Hail Caffeina), the Flamingo Tradition, Reformed
Druidism, Squat (Goddess of Parking Spaces), Wombat Wicca, and
the First Orbical Church of Rock & Roll. Plus: an exercise
in the creation of your OWN humor-based religious cult for fun
and prophet, complete with deities, sacraments, historical and
scientific correlations, tools, totems, taboos and rituals.
Isaac also highly recommends the following audio
tapes, also available from ACE:
The Magickal Movement: Present & Future
Panel discussion with Isaac, Margot Adler,
Selena Fox, and Robert Anton Wilson.
Magick Changing the World: The World Changing Magick
Panel discussion with Isaac, AmyLee, Selena
Fox, Jeff Rosenbaum, and Robert Anton Wilson.
The Cosmology of Wizardry
By Ian Corrigan. The Magical Worldview of
the Celts; a detailed summary of the symbolism and patterns of
Celtic Magic and Religion including: The Three Elements, Sacred
Fire and Water, The Gods, The Dead and the Sidhe, and more.
Sacred Fire, Holy Well: A Practical Guide to Celtic Ritual
By Ian Corrigan. This lecture is based on
two key symbols of ancient Celtic Paganism: the Waters that fill
the Holy Wells and Springs, and the Sacred Fires that illuminate
the Sacred Groves of the Druids. Beginning with core mythology,
Ian explains the esoteric meanings of these natural powers and
their use in Spiritual ceremony, and gives practical tips for
their use in Pagan religion.
Wheels of Life and The Energetics of Magic
Both by Anodea Judith, author of the fantastic
Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System,
one of the best books ever written about chakras and
how the manifest and illuminate our lives.
A Bouquet of Lovers
By Oberon (Otter) G’Zell
& Morning Glory Zell (based on MGZ’s essay of the same
name). The perfect introduction to the topic of polyamory.
Videotapes Recommended by Isaac Bonewits
Druidism for a New Age — Isaac Bonewits
“Isaac is the retired Archdruid of Ár
nDraíocht Féin (ADF), the largest new age Druidic
group in the world. The ADF motto ‘Why not excellence?’
sets it apart from much of the Pagan community. In a light-hearted
way he discusses his beliefs and describes how, no matter what
your present religious path, you can become part of the new Druidic
movement in the United States. If you have wondered why some
Druids worship a saguaro cactus and others a grove of oak trees,
here is your answer. If you want to become part of a float in
a Saint Patrick's Day parade, that too is answered in this wide-ranging
interview.” 45 minutes.
Witchcraft Mythistory — Professor
C. Clark
“Professor Clark is one of the foremost
authorities on the true nature of the Burning Times. In this
controversial tape, he sets to rest many of the more outrageous
claims that modern Witches have made about this terrible time
in human history. How many were really burned? hanged? tortured?
Were they Witches? All these questions are considered. With audience
participation, Professor Clark explores the possibility of constructing
a Witchcraft mythos that is acceptable to scholars, historians
and the Witchcraft community. Perpetuating a false history of
Witchcraft and Wicca, continues to engender the popular belief
that Witches are flakes. Learn the truth about your religious
history before you put your foot in your mouth in front of yet
another scholar.” 62 minutes.
The Pagan Wiccan Path — Stewart
and Janet Ferrar with Gavin Bone
“This is a very informal interview with
Stewart and Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone. They have collaborated
on some twenty books. They have recently collaborated with Gavin
Bone to write their latest, The Pagan Path. This tape
describes not only their thinking at this time, but also how
they respectively got involved in the Craft and then in Paganism.
It offers glimpses into the characters of such people as Gerald
Gardner, Alex Sanders, and the Lindhurst Coven. The delightful
personalities introduced in this relaxed interview show you that
you should make your own path and that philosophical differences
do not need to lead to personal animosities.” 66 minutes.
Sharing Water — Oberon and Morning
Glory Zell-Ravenheart
“This relaxed interview with Oberon and
Morning Glory tell how they first came into Paganism, and reveal
its great rewards: rewards both to themselves and for future
generations. Oberon, a dedicated artist and propounder of the
Gaea Thesis, discusses that thesis which has made a dramatic
change in the lives of so many people, Pagan and Christian alike.
The Zell-Ravenhearts also talk of Pagan family values —
values that have led to Pagan children having lower rates of
unwanted pregnancies and delinquency than any other religious
group. Remember too, about Paganism: If you don’t like a
given flavor, there is always another one.” 85 minutes.
These are all available from the Church
and School of Wicca, PO Box 297-IN, Hinton, WV, USA 25951-0297.
Each video is $19.95, plus $3.00 Shipping and Handling for a
total of $22.95. If you purchase 3 videos you will receive a
fourth one for free. Email them at <>
to ask for a listing of other videos, books and audio tapes by
the Frosts on a variety of topics. Tape descriptions taken from
their site.
Copyright © 1999, 2005 c.e.,
Isaac Bonewits. This text file may be freely distributed on the
Net, provided that no editing is done, the version number is
retained, and everything in this notice box is included. If you
would like to be on one or more of Isaac Bonewits’ emailing
lists, click
here to get subscription information.
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bring him out for one of his colorful presentations,
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