Isaac Bonewits is one of North America’s leading
experts on ancient and modern Druidism, Witchcraft, magic and
the occult, and the rapidly growing Earth Religions movement.
A practicing Neopagan
priest, scholar, teacher, bard, and polytheologian for over thirtyfive
years, he has coined much of the vocabulary and articulated many
of the issues that have shaped the rapidly
growing Neopagan movement in the United States and Canada,
with opinions both playful and controversial.
is the author of Real
Magic, Authentic
Thaumaturgy, The
Pagan Man, Bonewits's
Essential Guide to Witchcraft and Wicca (formerly Witchcraft:
A Concise Guide), and Bonewits's
Essential Guide to Druidism, Neopagan
Rites (formerly Rites of Worship), and (with his
wife Phaedra) Real
Energy (New Page March 2007) as well as numerous articles,
reviews and essays. He is a singer-songwriter
with two-and-a-half albums
to his credit. As a “spellbinding” speaker,
he has educated, enlightened and entertained two generations
of modern Goddess worshippers, nature mystics, and followers
of other minority belief systems, and has explained these movements
to journalists, law enforcement officers, college students, and
academic researchers.
is the Founder and an Archdruid Emeritus of Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship, (the
best known Neopagan Druid organization based in North America),
a 3° Druid within the United Ancient Order of Druids (the
best known Mesopagan Druid order),
a retired High Priest in both the Gardnerian (“British Orthodox”)
and the N.R.O.O.G.D. (“California Heterodox”) traditions
of Wicca (Neopagan Witchcraft), an initiate of Santeria (Afro-Cuban
Mesopaganism) and the “Caliphate Line” of the Ordo
Templi Orientis (Aleister Crowley’s Mesopagan magical tradition),
as well as a member of other Neopagan and Mesopagan Druid orders.
He has been a member of the Covenant
of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (“CUUPS”) for
several years. Having survived four previous spouses (and vice
versa), on July 23, 2004 he was handfasted to former CUUPS Vice
President, tarot expert, writer, and Wiccan Priestess, Phaedra
Bonewits (hope springs eternal). With her he has co-authored
a book called Real
Energy: Systems, Spirits, and Substances to Heal, Change, and
witty, yet reasonably scholarly,
he is currently writing books
on Halloween, Understanding Magic, and Polytheology. Should your
topic be outside his expertise, he can quickly refer you to colleagues,
scholars and spokespersons for any legitimate Neopagan movement.
Those interested in having him present a workshop
or seminar may contact him directly at the address below.
To find out if he is appearing in your area, check his schedule
Isaac wishes it officially known that he is
not “A Pagan Spiritual Leader,” but merely one
of the Neopagan movement’s better-known Unindicted Co-Conspirators...
[Isaac Bonewits was diagnosed with cancer shortly after his 60th birthday. He passed away at home on August 12, 2010.]