1001 Students, Online Chats, and We’re #1 Again!

Tonight we passed a milestone with Real Magic School — we now have 1001 students who have signed up for our classes in Pagan and General Occult Studies!

We will be doing bi-weekly online chats at the school. The next one is March 26, from 9:00 to 10:00 pm EDT. Of course, you do have to be a registered student to attend … 🙂

In other news, Bonewits’s Essential Guide to Druidism has been revisiting #1 territory for books on Druidism at Amazon.com. It’s been in the top ten books on the topic for weeks now, so if you haven’t checked it out, you might find it a perfect purchase for the aspiring Druid.

About Isaac Bonewits

World famous (or is that notorious) Druid/Wiccan/Heathen/Santarian author, speaker, pundit, etc. Google me to see what I've been doing with my life and what my friends and enemies think about me.
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