Bennie’s Saga Continues

I posted a few nights ago about the unpleasant (and very expensive) medical problems that Bennie seems to be experiencing. Well we now know a little more about what’s going on. It’s not just a food allergy, he has a nasty disease called Bartonella that requires expensive super-antibiotics to treat. Apparently this is carried by fleas and he could have picked it up anytime this summer that he managed to get out of the apartment.

For the majority of you who have never met the Benster, here’s a photo from a few days ago, showing him hard at work in the Eternal Feline War Against Literacy:

While it looks as if his entire vet bill will only be $1300 instead of $1800, the meds are going to cost us $90-$100 a month for a few months, so I’ll repost the donation boxes from earlier:

Donate to Isaac and Phaedra’s work

Donate to keep Bennie kicking!”

Donate to the Advertising Fund

About Isaac Bonewits

World famous (or is that notorious) Druid/Wiccan/Heathen/Santarian author, speaker, pundit, etc. Google me to see what I've been doing with my life and what my friends and enemies think about me.
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