The Insular Order of Druids (“IOD”) was
founded on the Summer Solstice of 1993 c.e. at Stonehenge. Due
to the unfortunate illegal situation then, there were only three
druids present at dawn, (and one of those snuck into the ”exclusion
zone” on the press coach). Dylan Ap Thuin was one of them.
He proclaimed the formation of a seed group to the others and
to the World”s press. IOD was born.
Members of the seed group attended several
quarterly meetings of the Council Of British Druid Orders and
became full Voting Members shortly after.
IOD had their first public meeting at “The
DRUIDS ARMS” in Binstead Rd, Portsmouth — on Sun 6th
January 1994. Meetings were held once a month at this venue,
for several months — and then the venue was shifted to the
Arch Druid”s home for more privacy. The meetings were for
lectures, storytelling, poetry, etc. These meetings still continue
to this day.
Membership settled and entered a period of
growth — and so we began our ceremonial work in addition
to our less formal monthly meetings. Our first private ceremony
was held in the ”grove at home” on IMOLG ”94,
and was very ”Wiccan” in format. But soon the rituals
underwent a transformation as more Druidic elements were added.
And the rituals got larger and tended to be worked in daylight
hours, “in the eye of the sun.”
IOD also began working with other orders.
This image shows the Council of British Druid Orders” Summer
Solstice on Parliament Hill in 1994. Dylan Ap Thuin blew the
herald”s horn to start the ceremony at noon. If you look
closely you might be able to spot him doing this mid-right hand
side. One of his personal shieldbearers stands immediately to
his right. (Photos by eight-year-old Sophie.)
Original members were rewarded in February ”95
when druids from several other orders assisted in a group initiation
at Stonehenge. (Our thanks to the Glastonbury Order of Druids,
the Druid Clan of Dana, the Loyal Arthurian Warband, and English
Heritage for their help on this auspicious occasion). The ceremony
began just before dawn. The initiates were blindfolded and bound
outside the circle. They were led in and reborn to the light
within the sacred bluestones. It was freezing cold and the ordeal
was endured by all. When the blindfolds came off — the sun
had risen and 13 Druids left the stones with ”magical”
memories of a day none of us will ever forget. The image at the
top of this page is also from that day.
The CBDO, Council of British Druid Orders,
only hold one annual ceremony, the ”Summer Solstice”.
Because of current political problems, we can”t do this
at Stonehenge. However, once a year we gather at either Primrose
or Parliament hill in London. In 1996 this honour went to the
Insular Order of Druids — and marked the 3rd aniversary
of their formation. Druids from around the world were gathered
to mark the event.
Since then, the Order has hosted the first
English speaking Eisteddfod since the 1920”s and sent representatives
to the Auspicious 1998 Summer Solstice event at Stonehenge (a
ticket only affair, hosted by English Heritage, Dylan Ap Thuin
was blessed with ticket no.1 out of 100).
Visit The
Insular Order of Druids Website for more information,
polytheological essays, and news.