Where will he be found?
Well, it has been over five
years since the President of the United States said that we wanted
him, “Dead or alive,” and we still don't know where
he is! You think, maybe, if we had concentrated on him instead
of Operation Iraqi Looting, we might have him by now?
In any event, this experiment will be impossible
to evaluate until such a time, if ever, that he is caught.
One more time, using your psychic or divinatory
skills on the map above (or the larger one downloadable in these
overlapping segments: NW,
decide on one block of the map (B-11, J-3, etc.) as his
location on the day he will be found and whether he will
be found dead or alive.
Then email your impressions to me at <ibonewits@neopagan.net>,
with “OBL-Hunt-Endgame” as the Subject.
List your location choice as either a single
letter-number combination or as NOM (“Not On
Map”) . List your impression of whether he will be
found dead or alive and the nature of his surroundings.
I will collate the results and post them here
after he has actually been found — if ever — or earlier
if requested by the Pentagon.
Results so far have been statistically random,
perhaps because of the few participants (about 100). However,
here is my own intuition:
He will be found in the K-7 block, which
is the region 50-100 miles north, east, and south of Kabul. Distinct from that message was a clear warning that
he will be found alive, but his presence will be as the bait in a deathtrap
that will claim many innocent lives
if successfully sprung.