The Classic ADF Liturgical Design
A Standard Liturgical Design for Neopagan Druidic Worship
(Version 4.0)
Copyright © 1983, 2006 c.e., Isaac Bonewits
Some pre-excerpt notes:
This is a standard outline that can be used
for public or semi-public Neopagan Druid ceremonies. I’ve
spent over thirty years making this pattern esthetically pleasing,
historically plausible, magically powerful, and spiritually satisfying.
Please don’t casually throw pieces of it away without
determining how you’re going to get exactly the same effects.
You should not inject Wiccan ritual procedures such as
“casting a circle,” “drawing down the moon,”
“invoking the Watchtowers,” etc., or Native American
ceremonial activities, or other ritual elements that make no
sense in terms of this liturgy’s structure, esthetics,
polytheology or goals; nor should you take parts of this liturgical
design and put them into a non-Druidic ritual without carefully
considering those same issues.
However, while the term “Druidic“
is usually associated exclusively with Celtic cultures, experience
has shown that this pattern will work well for public or semi-public
worship of deities belonging to other Indo-European pantheons,
such as the Germanic, Greek, Slavic, Vedic, Hittite, etc., since
those cultures share a common polytheology and cosmology (see
BEGD for details), albeit with appropriately varying emphases.
The duties of the ritual leaders can be combined
in several ways, depending upon the individuals and talents available,
resulting in anywhere from one to a dozen leadership roles. The
numbers and letters in parentheses refer to observable steps,which
are often blended together in performance, making the average
rite of this sort appear less complex than this outline
makes evident. I've adjusted the layout of this outline to match
that of the book more closely.
A fuller explanation of the theory behind
this outline, which is based on my "common worship pattern"
can be found in my Rites
of Worship: A Neopagan Approach. An old version of my
"Step-by-Step through a Druid Worship Ceremony" can
be found on
the ADF website, and fuller, updated instructions will be
found in a future book.
My only major disagreement with how some members
of ADF now perform this ritual is in their omission of the "Acknowledgement
of the Outsiders" step, which I consider a serious mistake.
We do not banish the forces of chaos by ignoring them.
This is the outline of how ADF ritual was
being done in the early 1990s. As was mentioned in Chapter 17,
current ADF practice is still quite similar, but various parts
of the ritual are merged so that it doesn't seem quite so intimidating
to new-comers. Here you can see them in their full glory.
Preliminary Ritual Activity
- (A) Briefing
- (B) Individual Meditations & Prayers
- (C) Lighting the Sacred Fire(s)
- (D) Pouring the Sacred Waters
- (E) Optional: Consecrating the Sacred
Pole / Tree
- (F) Optional: Consecrating the Altar &
1st Phase: Starting the Rite and Establishing the Groupmind
- Clearcut Beginning: Consecration of Time
- (1) Musical Signal
- (2) Opening Prayer
- Consecration of Space and of Participants
- (3) The Processional / Sigil Marking
- (4) Purification(s) of Participants
- (5) Optional: Purification(s) of Site
- (6) Honoring the Earth-Mother
- Centering, Grounding, Linking & Merging
- (7) The Grove Meditation
- (8) Unity Chant/Song
- (9) Specification of Ritual Purpose &
Historical Precedent
- (10) Naming Deity(ies) of the Occasion &
Reasons for Choice
2nd Phase: Recreating the Cosmos & Preliminary Power
- Describing the Vertical Axis
- (11) Planting the Cosmic Tree / Honoring
the Sacred Pole
- (12) Evoking the Gate Keeper / Defining the
Ritual Center
- (13) Evoking the Fire & Water Deities
& Linking to Center
- Gaining Assistance & Preventing Interference
- (14) Invoking the Bardic Deity(ies) or Spirit
- (15) Acknowledgement of the Outsiders
- (16) Filling Out the Cosmic Picture
- Example: Triad
Invocation of Nature Spirits, Ancestors, Deities in Three Worlds
- Example: Invocation
of Helpful Beings of each World/Realm or..
- Example: Invocation
of Helpful Beings by Province/Function or..
- (Type & number will vary according to
ethnic cosmologies.)
- (17) Settling and Focussing
3rd Phase: Major Sending of Power to Deity/ies of the Occasion
- (18) Descriptive Invocation of Deity(ies)
of the Occasion
- Primary Power Raising
- (19) Praise Offerings, Dance, Libations,
- (20) The Sacrifice
- (21) Seeking the Omen of Return
4th Phase: Receiving and Using the Returned Power
- Preparation for the Return
- (22) Meditation upon Personal and Group Needs
- (23) Induction of Receptivity
- (24) Consecration Agreement
- Reception of Power from Deity(ies) of
the Occasion
- (25) Consecration and Sharing
- (26) Acceptance of Individual Blessings
- (27) Reinforcement of Group Bonding
- (28) Optional: Spell Casting or Rite of
5th Phase: Unwinding and Ending the Ceremony
- Unwinding the Energy Patterns Created
- (29) Thanking of Entities Invited, in Reverse
- (30) Thanking the Gatekeeper & Closing
the Gates
- (31) Affirmation of Past/Future Continuity
and Success
- (32) Unmerging, Regrounding & Recentering:
- (33) Draining off Excess Power: the Restoration
- Clearcut Ending: Deconsecration of Time
& Space
- (34) Final Benediction
- (35) Announcement of End
- (36) Dissolving the Sigil
- (37) Musical Signal
Copyright © 1983, 2006 c.e., Isaac Bonewits. This
text file may be freely distributed on the Net, provided that
no editing is done, the version number is retained, and everything
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