Isaac currently has these emailing-lists
that you may join, all of which are based at Yahoo
is for him to occasionally send bulk email to people about his
upcoming book publications, song albums, lectures, and other
appearances. To join, send an empty email message to
The emailing software will send you a confirmation request. Just
Reply to this request using
its “Reply To:” address.
That same procedure will work for joining
any of the lists below, in each case substituting the correct
elist name.
is for Wiccans, Druids, and other Neopagans living in the “Blackdirt”region
of Warwick, NY (southern Orange County, NY and northwestern NJ)
to network and discuss spiritual matters, plan get-togethers,
and have fun.
is a planning elist for people researching and brainstorming
long-range plans to provide care for elderly and disabled Pagans,
including the creation of residential Pagan communities. The
Pagan Old Coots Home at Curmudgeonly Acres is on the way! This
list was started by Charles Arnold based on a suggestion from
is a strategy and tactics e-list for those, mostly Neopagan,
who are willing to use magic to fight for democracy at home and
abroad. See the Spells
for Democracy page here for background
is is being shut down. Please use our blog Views
from the Cyberhenge to comment and discuss.
If you already have a yahoogroups membership,
just go to their website, search under the names of the e-lists,
then click to join.
If you are using “Spam Cop” or other
antispam software, you may not receive yahoo group mailings.
Please put each list you receive (“”)
on your “white list” or put it in your email program’s
address book.